Download the complete course outline.
Romance Writing I This course covers the basics of Romance Writing, and is designed to help a beginning writer get started in the genre.
Learn the pitfalls and the rewards of this lucrative genre. Examine the many different types of romance markets available today, and discover what sub-category suits your individual writing strengths and interests. Explore the current market expectations for your hero and heroine, and study how to make your romance sing with emotional tension, how to draw in your reader with riveting conflict, and how to tackle love scenes without blushing. Along the way pick up hundreds of hints and tips on the mechanics and structure of strong story telling, effective writing techniques, current trends and tastes in the romance industry, marketing and submitting your manuscript and how to deal with editors, agents, and fellow writers. Throughout the course you will have the opportunity to practice and polish the skills you will learn with your own stories, and acquire a collection of comprehensive notes and handouts that will serve as a practical guide and reference for all your future romance projects. General Course Outline Week 1 : What Is a Romance? Week 2 -- Whats out there & why should you care? Week 3 -- Plotting and conflict the heart of the romance novel Week 4 -- Heroes and heroines Week 5 -- Characters, and plotting part II Week 6 -- Depending on your point of view . Week 7 --The opening of your novel, and upping the stakes. Week 8 --Love scenes, amongst others. Week 9 -- Dialogue. The End. Editing. Week 10 -- Submissions & marketing your work
Contact Susan Lieberman, Writing Works Manager, at Grant MacEwan Community College for enrolment information, or phone (780) 497-5346 and ask for Marilyn or Ann. Ebooks & Romance Novels * Sherlock Holmes Pastiches * Creative Writing Instruction * Home |
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