Ideas: how to get em, and what to do with them.
Finish this course with dozens of saleable story ideas, plus methods and tips for producing a thousand more. You will never need to worry about what to write for the rest of your writing career.
Course Outline
- Why plot at all?
- "Discovering" the plot through writing
- Ideas!
- Ideas are not plots
- Idea sources
- Collecting ideas
- Notebooks
- Hanging files
- Electronic versions
- Cards
- Cataloguing and indexing
- The advantages of organisation
- Accessing ideas
- Recognising a good idea
- Resonance
- Marketability
- When the ideas come while writing something else.
- Turning an idea into a plot
- What makes a good plot?
- Deconstructing existing plots -- "Plotting research"
- Story structure
- Non-fiction structure
- Fiction structure
- How it relates to plot
- Recognising structure
- Recognising "bad" plots
- Plot clichés
- Personal clichés
- "Hack" writing vs. writing to formula
- Plotting to market demands
- Science fiction
- Romance
- Detective/whodunit
- Screenplays
- Other categories
- Market research
- Plot and character
- Avoiding clichés
- Ideas for Characters
- Collecting characters
- Plot out of character
- Character out of plot
- Settings
- Ideas for settings
- Collecting settings
- Selecting the best idea
- Subplots
- Elements of a good subplot
- Weaving it into the main plot
- When to stop plotting and start writing
- Outlining, Treatments
- Synopsis Writing
- Plagiarism, Copyright and other nasties
- Commercial "Plotting" programs, devices
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